Shing Festival (洪聖寶誕) falls on the 13th day of the second lunar month
in the Chinese calendar. Hung Shing Festival is celebrated mostly by
fishermen and merchants, for the hope that they can good haul of fish
and peace. It is now mainly for the hope of peace for the rest of the

one celebrated at Ho Sheung Heung (means a village on the river, 河上鄉)
in Sheung Shui (上水) is said to be the largest and the best of its kind
in Hong Kong. We are lucky we can meet the timing this year and arrange a
visit to this famous Hung Shing Festival at Ho Sheung Heung. The
celebration of Hung Shing Festival at Ho Sheung Heung should have
history of more than 800 years. In 2013, the temple has been rebuilt.
This means a totally new temple can be seen in 2013. The temple is
larger and more splendid in appearance and decoration than the old one.
It is an icon for tourists and locals to learn and understand more about
this traditional Chinese celebration in Hong Kong.

the hope of highlighting this festival and enhancing the festive
atmosphere to the fullest extent, on the date of Hung Shing Festival,
Lion Dance, Kirin Dance, Dragon Dance, Crackers, Guangdong Drama, Ban
Meal and more can be seen. It is a golden time of a year for Ho Sheung
Heung people to share the joy of Hung Shing Festival with all citizens
and tourists in Hong Kong.




Lion Dance Team



Scrambling for Fa Pow (搶花炮)
Ho Sheung Heung is the only place in Hong Kong with this activity.
Those who can get the Fa Pow (Floral Tribute) would have good luck for the rest of the year.

Floral Tribute (Fa Pow 花炮)

Musical Team

Lion Dance Team Clothing



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