Causeway Bay Old Buildings

2013, there are still some old and small buildings in Causeway Bay
(銅鑼灣) and Hong Kong. They are really cute and lovely. Sometimes, we
remember there should be an old building in a particular location, it
should have been demolished suddenly and immediately becomes a
construction site or a vacant land. In a city of continuous
developement, it is inevitable old stuffs to be replaced by new stuffs.
To be citizens, we can do nothing to change. What we can do is to take
photos and make records, for later retrospect and killing time.

you do not have time to stroll around in Causeway Bay, or you are in
fact not living in Hong Kong, I can do it for you. Please enjoy, before
the old and small buildings in Causeway Bay disappear.

Matheson Street

Sharp Street East & Matheson Street

Leighton Road

Leighton Road

Pennington Street

Jardine's Bazaar

Yun Ping Road

Pak Sha Road

Pak Sha Road

Lee Garden Road

Percival Street

Russell Street

Yun Ping Road


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