Shatin Che Kung Temple

Shatin Che Kung Temple (沙田車公廟),
also known as Che Kung Miu and located in Tai Wai Shatin in the New
Territories, is the most famous Che Kung Temple in Hong Kong. The
present Shatin Che Kung Temple was renovated in 2004. It is located
midway between Che Kung Temple Station and Tai Wai Station of the MTR.


Main entrance of Che Kung Temple.

After renovation in 2004, the temple is now a bit Japanese-style.


are eight stone statues in front of the main hall. I did not visit the
old Che Kung Temple before. Frankly speaking, the existing new one is a
bit Japanese style and too modern.

Basically, renovation is finished. There are still minor maintenance works in progress.


Before noon, there are not many worshippers. It is the best time for the staff to do cleaning work.

There is a giant statue of Che Kung in shiny gold colour inside the main hall.

Worshippers turn fan-bladed wheels of fortune and beat the drum to ensure good luck in the coming year.


Its opening hours are 7:00am to 6:00pm daily.


At the entrance, there is a shop selling joss sticks, candle, oil and souvenirs.




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