Tam Kung Tin Hau Temple Happy Valley (跑馬地譚公天后廟) is located at the junction of Blue Pool Road (
藍塘道) and Ventris Road (雲地利道). Originally Tam Kung Temple was on a slope next to the Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital (養和醫院). Because of urban development, it was moved to the present address in 1901. At the back of Tam Kung Temple, there is a Tin Hau Temple (天后廟).

The temple looks very new, it has been renovated in 2005. From 1915 onwards, Tam Kung Festival will be celebrated on the eighth day of the fourth lunar month every year. For singular and even years, Tam Kung Festival (
譚公誕) and Pak Tai Festival (北帝誕) will be celebrated respectively.

Address: 9, Blue Pool Road, Happy Valley, Hong Kong. 香港跑馬地藍塘道9號 (it takes five minutes to walk from Happy Vally Tram Terminus)
Opening hours: 08:00 - 17:00 daily

The entrance at Blue Pool Road.

The front portion is Tam Kung Temple.

The temple looks very new. It should be able to last for another thirty years.

Incense ordered by followers.

Tam Kung Temple is not very large. It is in fact a small temple but it occupies quite a large piece of slope in Happy Valley. Besides Tam Kung and Tin Hau,  many Gods are worshiped as well.

Chinese Fortune Sticks Bucket (簽筒)

Suggestion Box

Donation Box

Tin Hau Temple at the back of the slope

With this model on the slope, it is easy to understand how Tam Kung Temple and Tin Hau Temple are arranged. The above photo is borrowed from


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