High Island Reservoir - East Dam

Island Reservoir <萬宜水庫> is located at the eastern part of Sai
Kung Peninsula of Hong Kong. It was opened in 1978 and is the largest
reservoir in Hong Kong.

The east dam is also the place where most typical hexagonal columnar joints and rocks can be observed.

The east dam area is always the destination of holiday seekers.

This can be regarded as man-made wonder.

These concrete dolosse units are in numerous quantities and also one of the tourist attractions in High Island Reservoir.

picture shows how large each piece of concrete dolosse unit is. To walk
in the east dam, it is like to enter an area of the giant.

The fastest way
to go to the east dam of High Island Reservoir from Sai Kung town is to
take a taxi and ask the driver to stop at the east dam. The fare is
about HK$120 (in 2012).

Hexagonal rock columns are easily found near the east dam.

The east dam is now a part of Hong Kong Global Geopark of China.

the weather in March is not sunny enough, it does not affect our mood
at all. When we arrive at the east dam, we are shocked a bit by the
hexagonal rock columns and concret dolosse units. At the same time, we
admire this man-made and natural wonders. Bear in mind, the
reservoir was completed in 1978. Don't hesitate, just plan your visit to
the east dam and High Island Reservoir in the upcoming weekend.


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