Hang Lam Chinese Herbalist (杏林醫藥軒) is a small construction under the flyover at Kowloon City Road
(九龍城道). It should be located near the junction of Kowloon City Road and Lok Shan Road (落山道).

To record this small Chinese Herbalist does not mean that the herbalist is very famous or he is particularly effective and efficient in curing patients (it also does not imply he is not famous or he is not effective and efficient in curing patients), the sole reason is that comparatively it is a small box under a large flyover. It is relatively cute. In addition, there is no other business unit nearby, under the flyover. This is this reason drawing my attention to this small Chinese clinic. This clinic should be the property of Tokwawan Kai Fong Welfare Association (

Chinese Herbalist Mr. Wong Chun Kit
Reservation phone number: 27601599
Address: 56 Kowloon City Road, Tokwawan, Kowloon, Hong Kong.


Mr. Wong is a registered Chinese Herbalist.

If you pass by Kowloon City Road and nearby area, please pay attention to this small clinic.


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