Kiu Tsui Chau
Tsui Chau (Sharp Island, 橋咀洲) is a small island in Sai Kung, near Sai
Kung Town. It is always a place for leisure. Normally main attractions
in Kiu Tsui include BBQ, hiking, swimming, fishing and of course the
tombolo at low tide. For transport, small boats (Kai-to)
are provided by private companies, Yellow Flag and Blue Flag. It is
worthwhile to spend an afternoon to visit this beautiful and nice small
island. Of course, a day will be flawless if a dinner of high quality is
arranged afterwards elsewhere.

Blue Flag Kai-to

It takes about twenty minutes from Sai Kung Pier to Kiu Tsui Chau. Fee varies, it is normally $40 for return trip.

At about four o'clock in the afternoon (but it varies daily), the tombolo nearly disappears.

can walk to the other side of the tombolo. It is in fact a small hill
(even smaller island) and we can walk up and then down to water level.



These 'pineapple bun' volcanic rocks are one of the main attractions in Kiu Tsui.


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